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Cas d’estudi (Case study)

La casa de la playa, Eldital'ull

La casa de la playa, Eldital’ull


Curated by Rosa Lleó and Zaida Trallero.

With Eldital’ull, Domènec, Aymara Arreaza, Eva Fàbregas, Karlos Martínez Bordoy, Oriol Vilanova, Jordi Mitjà and Daniela Ortiz.

Case study is a project in which research and discussion on the artist’s working process is fundamental. For eight weeks, every Wednesday there was a presentation of each research project through a lecture or performance. The exhibition became a cumulative process where each week the materials of each presentation were added to the show. All projects held a common interest in how to formalise certain aspects of modern architecture.



La Casa de la Playa is a children’s colouring book, but it is also an investigation about the modern house ideal. Artists Rafael G. Bianchi and Gina Giménez talked about the playful and intuitive component in the process of their work and they presented an installation especially created for Case Study.


La casa de la playa – artist book


Visit to "La Ricarda" by Antoni Bonet-Castellana, El Prat, Barcelona

Visit to “La Ricarda” by Antoni Bonet-Castellana, El Prat, Barcelona




The building Corviale, built in the early eighties near Rome is, in all its complexity, one of the latest architectural designs that were made with the modernist spirit. It was finally left unfinished because of political issues. The artist Domènec will present his project in order to portray the inhabitants of this modern experiment in Italy with the modest poetic gesture of returning the possibility for utopia.

With guided tour with the artist to the Walden 7 building

Domènec, Sostenere il palazzo dell'utopia, 2004

Domènec, Sostenere il palazzo dell’utopia, 2004


Visit to Walden 7 building

Visit to Walden 7 building, Barcelona, February 2013




Poblenou was years ago a neighbourhood with a network of independent cinemas. The research of the Venezuelan artist Aymara Arreaza will compare the situation with the absence of active theatres in Ciudad Bolivar (Venezuela) and will explore the current presence of the buildings that housed the cinemas as spaces that resist abandonment.


Aymara Arreaza, Ciudad (Poblenou) sin Cine, 2013

Aymara Arreaza, Ciudad (Poblenou) sin Cine, 2013


Talk by Aymara Arreaza

Talk by Aymara Arreaza



The famous architect Alvar Aalto built the Sunila pulp mill in northern Finland during the thirties. It was a model of social construction that went into decline from the sixties, when the factory began to require less manual labour. The artist Eva Fàbregas will go through the history of the factory’s colony in order to question how we can represent modernity today. Fort he first time in Barcelona, she will present the video specially made for this project.

Eva Fàbregas, 1986-1937 (Sunila), 2012

Eva Fàbregas, 1986-1937 (Sunila), 2012


Eva Fàbregas, Allotjament Temporal (Sunila), 2013

Eva Fàbregas, Allotjament Temporal (Sunila), 2013




Oriol Vilanova investigates modernity and totalitarianism. He returns to the Paris International Exhibition of 1937 where Germany and Russian pavilions received the Ex Aequo award. The two were responding to a totalitarian and monumental architecture, while the Spanish pavilion symbolized the anti-war movement and the avant-garde. The artist’s research will look at and architecture’s symbolism.


Oriol Vilanova, Ex Aequo, 2013

Oriol Vilanova, Ex Aequo, 2013



JORDI MITJÀ – ESQUELETS, PELLS MUDADES I DEPOSICIONS DEL CAPITAL (Skeletons, reversed skins and capital depositions)

The artist Jordi Mitja will talk about his archive Esquelets, Pells mudades i deposicions de capital (Skeletons, reversed skins and capital depositions) that collects over 100 photographs taken near La Jonquera. The images show the architectural modifications as result of speculative actions and how these changes affect a particular territorial frame and landscape, in this case the area of the Empordà (Girona). The artist will talk on the archive as a working process based on the accumulation of images.


Jordi Mitjà, Esquelets, pells mudades i deposicions del capital, 2013

Jordi Mitjà, Esquelets, pells mudades i deposicions del capital, 2013



The Basque artist Karlos Martinez-Bordoy will talk about his work related to Oteiza’s unique architectural construction. The house was built by GATCPAC architect Luis Vallet. From 1958 to 1970 it was a meeting point for the discussions and for the important events that happened in the Basque culture of that time. Currently, the house is abandoned in the middle of a roundabout.


Karlos Martínez-Bordoy, The Border Desert, 2012

Karlos Martínez-Bordoy, The Border Desert, 2012



Daniela Ortiz discusses 60 homes of the upper class in Lima. The project proposes to look at the servant areas of specific Modern houses, studying its characteristics and comparing them to the other rooms of the house.


Daniela Ortiz, Habitaciones de servicio, 2012

Daniela Ortiz, Habitaciones de servicio, 2012




Closure and Round table

To close the series of talks, there was a round table with the curators, invited guest Martí Manen (independent curator, Stockholm) and some of the artists participating in the exhibition, in order to discuss the issues raised in Case Study: How can we talk about Modernity today? What is artistic research?

Exhibition from 31.01 to 30.03.2013, at Can Felipa Arts Visuals, Barcelona

Photos: Marc Llibre Roig



Archivo adjunto al mensaje


Cas d'estudi - publication. Designed by Hijosdemartín

Cas d’estudi – publication. Designed by Hijosdemartín